Rapid Entry Setup
On the following pages are specific instruction sets on how to:
- Download Rapid Entry – only done once, initially.
- Create a Batch – done frequently – Each Batch holds up to 250 Transactions. Recommended between 100 – 150 for processing speed.
- Set up the Transaction screen – only done once, initially; setting saved for next usage. Be aware – If update done then new version downloads automatically upon next login.
These steps will then be followed by each of the specific scenarios that users would commonly encounter. If a user is familiar with Rapid Entry, and needs specific scenario instructions, they should skip this section and proceed to those steps.
Downloading Rapid Entry

- Click on the Install button.
- Open the Setup.EXE file that downloads.
- Click Install to the default folder selected (unless otherwise desired).
- Once downloaded – right-click Aegis CRM icon in Task Bar, and Pin to Task Bar.
- Click on the new Rapid Entry icon in the taskbar to open

- Enter the User Name and Password assigned.

- Click the Login button.
- IF a user has multiple Aegis DBs to track, they will have an additional step of selecting the desired Database from a dropdown.
- The Locate Batch landing page displays:

Creating a Batch
- Click on the Batches dropdown from the Rapid Entry landing page.
- Click on the New Batch option.

- A new Batch record displays:

- The Batch ID will default to the next consecutive Batch number.
- . In the Batch Date field, enter Today’s date.
- It is possible to back or forward date as needed.
- In the Description field, enter the desired description text.
- Users should check with local Administrator as to the naming conventions for this field, but value should describe the Batch Type in some way, usually with a date and origin source.
- Manual Transactions – 4-11-24 Conference Adds/Donations
- Imported Transactions – 4-11-24 Sun Trust Bank Lock Box Imports
- Enter a Deposit Number if desired.
- Users can enter Banking information in this field if tracking particular cross-reference numbers to a bank deposit/lock box.
- In the Batch Count, enter the total whole number of different Donor Id’s Transacted against. For example, one Donor ID could have THREE Transactions, so the count would therefore be ONE.
- Can be edited/updated if the exact amount unknown at time of initial entry.
- In the Batch Amount, enter the amount of money expected to be collected.
- Can be edited/updated if exact amount unknown at time of initial entry.
- In situations where the exact amount is unknown – conferences, registrations, live donation events – users can enter a high number and correct once actual number determined.
- From the Batch Channel dropdown, select the desired method. Options
generally between Direct Mail, Web, and Telemarketing.- Values represent the method from which Transactions were solicited.
- Value will apply to all entries in Batch – can be overwritten at entry level.
- From the Batch Category dropdown, select the desired payment method.
- Values represent general payment type by which Transactions collected.
- Value will apply to all entries in Batch – can be overwritten at entry level.
- From the Default Payment dropdown, select the desired payment method.
- Values represent the specific payment type that will default for each Transaction record when entered.
- This value can be overwritten on the Transaction if it differs from default.
- Enter a Default Amount as desired.
- This amount will default in all the created Transaction record Amount fields.
- Users can set a Donation/Transaction amount is same amount expected.
- The amount CAN be overwritten on the Transaction record if needed.
- From the Default Fund dropdown, select the desired Fund Code.
- Values represent the Fund Code that the Batch will be attributed to.
- Order of Fund Code assignment:
- IF Fund Code manually entered at time of Transaction entry, that Fund Code is recorded
- IF Default Fund NOT manually entered, then the Appeal SEGMENT Fund Code recorded.
- IF Default Fund Code NOT manually entered, AND no Segment Appeal available, then Fund Code tied to APPEAL recorded.
- IF NONE of the above options chosen/available, then the BATCH HEADER Fund Code recorded.
- From the Default Appeal dropdown, select desired Appeal.
- Appeal to which added Transactions will be associated and tracked.
- If Donations are received that are NOT motivated by an Appeal, users should have a generic, White Mail appeal in place to associate them with.
- From the Default Pledge dropdown, select desired Pledge.
- Designates Pledge which added Transaction records associated
- Only used in the case of actual Pledge taken – NOT for a contribution.
- Clicking the Attributes button (far right) enables users to associate multiple field values from the Activity Attributes pop-up to Transactions.
- Activity Attributes are defined by local Administrators.
- Capture added info the user’s org needs stamped on each Transaction

- Clicking the Select button to the right of the Flags to Assign Field enables users to add selected Custom (at top) and Standard (at bottom) Flags as checked to the user associated with each Transaction.
- Users can Filter/Search for Custom Fields in top Filter field as desired.
- Default Responses enables users to check a specific Acknowledgement letter(s)
listed for the responses for donations to this Batch.- If there are not Default Response Check boxes listed, then no Available Acknowledgements were set up for the Default Appeal selected above.
- In order for Default Responses to display, an Appeal would need Acknowledgements set up (in the CRM) under its Acknowledgements>Available Acknowledgements section.
- See the screenshot on page 11 for examples.

- Users can check/uncheck Process Conditional Responses as desired.
- This is checked by default, as most Appeals have Conditional Response rules set up for automating the Acknowledgements delivered.
- Users can check/uncheck the Override ‘Do Not Acknowledge’ Flag as desired.
- Unusual to check this box. If a user has a Do Not Acknowledge flag on, it is for a reason.
- Users might uncheck if free give-away; calendar, shirt, mug, etc being delivered to Donor.
- Marking or unmarking any of the checkboxes allows the user to decide whether or not the appeal’s business rules will be considered along with any that are manually selected by the operator.
- If a response is selected when a new batch is created and it is different than that set by the business rule(s) in the appeal, both the business rule response AND the checked response will be sent for all transactions that meet the criteria set for the responses.
- If, during or after a transaction is entered, the response is manually unchecked, NO RESPONSE WILL BE SENT, even if the transaction meets criteria in the motivating appeal. Any change at this level supersedes response templates previously set whether in the business rules of the motivating appeal or in the batch set-up.
Displayed below is an example of an unsaved New Batch for Donations with the typical fields completed.
This example will be used to set up the initial Transaction settings in the next exercise and to demonstrate a Donation type of Batch.
Normally, Save and Open is available once the Batch entered and should be clicked in order to begin adding Transactions to the Batch.
This example will be used to set up the initial Transaction settings in the next exercise and to demonstrate a Donation type of Batch.
Normally, Save and Open is available once the Batch entered and should be clicked in order to begin adding Transactions to the Batch.

Setting Up/Adjusting the Transaction Screen
Transaction screen settings enable users to set personalized default display areas/fields for all Batch Transaction entries from the moment they are edited onwards. These steps are specifically for when users:
- Enter and utilize Rapid Entry for the FIRST time. Specifically, when the initial Transaction Screen displays after creation of their FIRST Batch.
- Need to adjust the Transaction Screen options.
- Open a Batch that is ready to take Transactions.
- If a Batch has just been created, users can click the Save and Open button as highlighted in red on the previous page’s screenshot.
- The Transaction Entry screen displays.
- Click on the View dropdown from the Menu bar.

- Observe the Check marks next to each of the Details/Panel displays. Users
should consider the following changes boxed in red if circumstances apply:- IF Products NEVER processed – org doesn’t “sell” products – users should uncheck the Show Product Panel to provide easier viewing.
- IF Fund Codes NEVER manually entered – Fund Codes always inherited from BATCH HEADER, SEGMENT, OR APPEAL – uncheck Show Contribution Panel – greatly accelerate Data entry.
- IF Notes seldom entered, uncheck the Show Note Panel.
- Check marks continued: IF users NOT using Event or Broadcast options – it should remain unchecked (as in the example).
- Clicking on ANY of the F1-F12 keyboard keys – listed to the right of panels – will toggle that panel on for all future Transaction records – same effect as if the user “checked” the entry.
- Click on the View option from the Menu bar again.
- Click on the Options selection.
- The Batch Options screen displays.
- Users can decide which fields for which sections should display.
- Selected settings reflect the most widely adopted choices, but users can choose to edit any desired.
- For instance, if a user’s organization tracks Products Shipping, they would check the Shipping checkbox under Product Information.

- Click on the Name Collection tab from the Menu bar.
- Settings here determine how Donor information will be collected IF there is a potential duplicate situation:
- Search for Existing Donors
- Automatically Append.1 – If a new donor is added via Rapid Entry AND an existing donor has the same address, the new person becomes part of Household and labeled as #1. Next one as #2, etc.
- Validate Check Digit – Not available.
- Show Donor Details – Displays the duplicate user’s information and the user must change one of the addresses OR Merge the records.
- Create New Donor Information For All Transactions
- This would be very unusual and would enable duplicate records.
- Search for Existing Donors

- Click on the Miscellaneous tab from the Menu Bar.
- Observe the When QCing Transactions section:
- Review All Donors – Forces users to review ALL Transaction submissions. Unusual that this would be enabled. Very labor intensive.
- Review All Donors And Search for Duplicates – Forces users to review.
ALL Transaction submissions but marks possible Duplicates. Again, labor intensive, but sometimes implemented with smaller groups of records. - Only Review Donors With Potential Duplicates Or An Unstandardized Address – Only flags Donors that are seen as possible dupes or that have
a non-recognized address by verification. Helpful in forcing users to review the records in most need of attention. Most commonly selected.

- Observe the When Entering Transactions section:
- Highlight Common Fields – Will cause the selected Transaction Columns to be highlighted when entering data. Defaults as checked.
- Add Newest on Top – Causes newest (by date/time) Transactions to display at top of list. ALWAYS check – Users will need to see the latest.
- Observe the Batch Header – Display Payment Details checkbox – enables the user to display Payment Details in the Batch Header for easy identification.
- Display can help in balancing deposit amounts thru easy visibility.
- Observe the Transaction Columns AND Search Columns – Those selected will be those that show up when a user conducts a Batch or Donor search.
- ALWAYS move Donor ID below Status in Transaction Cols (screen shot).
- Click OK when finished with selections
Transaction Screen Overview
The Transaction screen has many options, some of which are general functions applicable to every Transaction entered – such as searching for a Donor. Others of which are unique to the type of Transaction being entered.
This section will cover the general functions. Specific actions that should be taking for processing a Donor contribution vs. a Pledge vs. a Product Order will be covered during the next section – Processing Different Batch Types & Transactions.
The Add Transaction screen will display once user Creates a New Batch and clicks OK after adding the required information OR when a user looks up and accessing an existing, Pending Batch.
Observe the sections of the Transaction Entry screen below – Martin Brody – Donor ID 406767735 is designated as the Donor as an example.

- Batch Header Info – Displays the Fund, Appeal, Batch Count, Cash Count, Date, Channel and Actual Batch Amounts as well as the Balance Due in Red. Users can Edit the Batch Header from this location as well.
• ADD/DELETE/REVIEW buttons for Transaction also located here. - Donor Search/Edit – Area where Donor can be located via ID, basic Search, or by Advanced Search. Donors can be Edited and New Donors created.
- Donor Summary Info – Displays donor summary information from the Donor’s full record found as a result of the Donor’s Search above. Users can also View and Create Donor related Notes as needed. Custom Fields that display are defined by Administrators in the CRM.
- Motivating Appeal Area – A Motivating Appeal is the appeal that solicited the contribution, such as the 24_3SM – 2024 Summer (SOL).
The designation is taken from the Appeal ID followed by a Dash and then the full Appeal Name.
This entry defaults on every Transaction because it was previously entered into the Batch header, BUT can be overwritten at the Transaction level – White Mail situation as an example. - Transaction Entry Area – Information defining the Transaction, it’s linked Appeal, Segment, Contribution amount/Payment amount, etc. are recorded. Information entered varies dependent on the type of Transaction recorded.
- Transaction Record Area – This is the area where completed Transactions are displayed once the Add button is selected.
- Processing a Conditional Response – Users can also choose to overwrite the Conditional Responses set up to default in the Batch Hearder by clicking on the Response button.

Selecting the response(s) for this transaction checkboxes:
- Enables users to check a specific Acknowledgement letter(s) response listed below for delivery to the donator tied to this Transaction.
- In order for Default Responses to display/apply, an Appeal would need Acknowledgements set up (in the CRM) under its
Acknowledgements>Available Acknowledgments section. - If there are not Default Response Check boxes listed, then no Available Acknowledgements were set up for the Default Appeal selected above.
Process Conditional Responses checkbox:
- This is checked by default, as most Appeals have Conditional Response rules set up for automating the Acknowledgements delivered.
Override ‘Do Not Acknowledge’ Flag checkbox:
- Unusual to check this box. If a user has a Do Not Acknowledge flag on, it is for a reason.
- Users might uncheck if free give-away; calendar, shirt, mug, etc being delivered to Donor.
- Marking or unmarking any of the checkboxes allows the user to decide whether or not the appeal’s business rules will be considered along with any that are manually selected by the operator.
- If a response is selected when a new batch is created and it is different than that set by the business rule(s) in the appeal, both the business rule response AND the checked response will be sent for all transactions that meet the criteria set for the responses.
- If, during or after a transaction is entered, the response is manually unchecked, NO RESPONSE WILL BE SENT, even if the transaction meets criteria in the motivating appeal. Any change at this level supersedes response templates previously set whether in the business rules of the motivating appeal or in the batch set-up.
Donor Search
The Donor Search & Summary areas have multiple interactive buttons that enable users to:
- Quick Search – Using the ID or Search fields for record search.
- Advanced Search – Utilize multiple donor fields for record search.
- View/Edit – Opening the full Donor record to View or Edit.
- New… – Create New Donor Records.
- Edit Links – Edit the Donors linked to this Donor.
- View Notes – View existing Donor Notes.
- Create Note – Create New Donor Notes.
We will cover each in the sections below.
Quick Search for a Donor
Users can quick search in two ways to quickly link a Donor record to the Transaction record by using the ID Search or by typing a Name OR email into the Search field.
Using the ID Field
- Enter an ID in the ID field (Example – 40676735).

- Hit the Enter Key on the Keyboard.
- The Donor automatically is entered.

Using the Search Field
- Enter a Donors Last Name in the Search field (Example – Brody).

- Hit the Enter Key on the Keyboard.
- The Results display.

- Users can double-click on the desired Donor to link them to the screen.

- Users can also enter a full Email address in the Search field to find the Donor.
Advanced Search to Find a Donor
Users can also search by one or multiple fields from a Donors record by clicking on the Advanced Search button.
- Click on the Advanced Search button.

- The Advanced Donor Search screen displays.

- For example the following is entered:
- City equals Vineyard% (Use % as wildcard)
- State/Prov equals MA
- Click Search button.
- Results Display:
- User can double-click, or click the Select button, to choose the desired record.
- And the Donor – in this example – Michael Brody is ready to be linked to Transactions.
- Just a reminder that any fields can utilize a Wildcard Search with the % character. The following screen shot lists the possible cofigurations:
View/Edit a Donor
Users can open most of the major fields of a Donors record for viewing or editing as desired. Any changes made will be included in the Batch/Transaction.
- Ensure that either the Donor ID or Donors summary information is present at the top of the page
- Click on the View/Edit button.
- Users can Edit as desired. Including the ability to Add/Remove Custom Flags, edit Custom Fields, View Notes, or Create Notes using the buttons on the bottom of the page.
- Users can click the OK button when finished.
View/Edit a Donor
Users can also add a completely new Donor to the Batch, and subsequently to the Aegis CRM once the Batch is completed, by clicking on the New… button.
- Click on the New… button.
- A Blank New Donor Record displays
- Users can fill out the desired fields.
- Click OK to save the user.
- Once Batch is saved, Donor information will be loaded into CRM.
Editing Donor Links
Clicking on Edit Links enables users to edit any Linked records with a relationship to the Donor. It does NOT display Household links.
- Click on the Edit Links button.
- Once displayed, users can click on a listed Linked records and Edit the Donor or Update the Link as desired.
- Click OK button when Updates/Edits complete.
Viewing & Creating Transaction Notes
Users can view and create Donor Notes by using the View Note and Create Note buttons. These Notes are specific to the Donor and will appear under the Donor>Donor Notes section in the CRM. Transaction specific Notes are created
- Click on the View Notes button.
- The Notes display screen appears.
- Double clicking on a specific Note opens the record.
- Users can Edit if desired
- Click the OK button to save changes.
- Users also have the ability to Delete the Note as desired via the last column.
- Clicking OK on the Notes display returns the user to the Transaction screen.
- Users can click on Create Note to add a Note to the Donor record.
- Users can add a Subject, Note Type, and Details as desired.
- Clicking OK saves the Note to the Donors record.
- Clicking View Notes will display the new Note in the list.
Processing Transactions
On the following pages are specific instruction sets on how to process the following Transaction types. Each section will follow the Transaction type through:
- Addition of Transactions in Rapid Entry
- Closing of Batch
The following Transaction types will be covered in their own series of Steps:
- Donations
- Product Orders
- Pledges, Soft Credits, & Matching
- Split Transactions
- Donor Record Updates
IMPORTANT: Each of the following exercise contains demonstration steps on how to enter Transactions in an existing Batch conducted in Aegis’s proprietary Training Database. The steps that a user’s organization uses in processing may vary from these and should be consulted.
Processing Donation Transaction
The following steps will cover the actions taken to Process Donation type Transactions, and to Close the receiving Batch.
The steps for setting up a receiving Batch are explained in the Creating a Batch Steps (Pages 6-11).
In this example, users will observe addition of 3 separate contribution (donation) Transactions totalling $100. Batch should have a Count of 3 and Amount of $100.
- Find and Open the desired Batch.
OR – If Batch just created:
Click Save and Open to proceed to the Add Transactions screen of the Batch.
- The Add Transactions page displays:
- Search for and select the Donor to whom to add the Transaction.
- Users can enter a Donor ID in ID field, enter Name or full Email in Search, or click Advanced Search.
- Example Value: ID =’s 40676735
- The Motivating Appeal defaults to the Default Appeal identified during the Batch Created. Users can override.
- Example Value: 24_3SM – 2024 Summer (SOL)
- The Motivating Segment defaults to the Segment of the Motivating Appeal this user was solicited from. If the user is a non-solicitated, it will default to the first Segment listed. Users can override.
- Example value: 100 – Gift Value .01-24.99 – 1
- Processing a Conditional Response/Response button used if the user wishes to override the Batch response setup.
- Example value: Skip
- Payment represents the $ amount the user will be charging to a CC, Check, EFT, or paying in Cash for whatever type of Transaction will need a Payment.
- Example value: 25
- Contribution represents the $ amount that will be donated/contributed. In a simple donation transaction, it would represent the same $ amount as the Payment.
- Example value: 25
- Click on the Add button
- This button Adds the first Transaction line to the Batch.
- This line contains the Donor linked to the Value (Contribution) amount and Address info to the bottom of the screen.
- Observe the Donation Batch with the first Transaction added.
- Users should note the updated Entered Count, Entered Amount, and remaining Balance in red.
- The Next two Donation Transactions are entered with the same method and values with the exception of the Donor and Payments/Contributions:
- Kathleen Smith (ID – 40678821) – 40
- Kristin Sullivan (ID – 40068902) – 30
- .In the completed screen, users can observe the three Transactions listed on the bottom.
- Since Kristin Sullivan’s Transaction record has been clicked, users can see her information displayed.
- Users should also observe the message in blue at the top: Batch now reconciles. Select Save & Close from the Batch menu.
- This occurred because the Batch Count and Entered Count match and the Batch Amount and Entered Amount match.
- From the Batch menu option, click the Save and Close option.
- The Locate Batch screen will display. Eventually the Batch Status will display as Closed, it may read Pending until refreshed.
- This Batch is now ready to be reviewed and fulfilled in the Aegis CRM under the Batches and Fulfillments modules. To see more details on how to conduct those operations, see the Batches and Fulfillments Manual.
- IF the Batch saves BUT remains in a Pending status, users must resolve a Balancing issue, Address Validation problem, or Record issue before Closing.
Processing Order Transaction
The following steps will cover the actions taken to Process Orders Transactions and Close the Orders Batch. Orders batches in Aegis always involve the purchase or transfer of a product, whether physical – mug, hat, pen or electronic – event registration or service rendered.
The steps for setting up a receiving Batch are explained in the Creating a Batch Steps (Pages 6-11).
Users will observe the adding of 2 separate orders for products generating Transactions to total $30. Batch should have a Count of 2 and an Amount of $30.
- Find and Open the desired Batch.
OR – If Batch just created:
Click Save and Open to proceed to the Add Transactions screen of the Batch.
- The Add Transactions page displays:
- Search for and select the Donor to whom to add the Transaction.
- Users can enter a Donor ID in ID field, enter Name or full Email in Search, or click Advanced Search.
- Example Value: ID =’s 40676735
- The Motivating Appeal defaults to the Default Appeal identified during the Batch Created. Users can override.
- Example Value: 24_3SM – 2024 Summer (SOL)
- The Motivating Segment defaults to the Segment of the Motivating Appeal this user was solicited from. If the user is a non-solicitated, it will default to the first Segment listed. Users can override.
- Example value: 100 – Gift Value .01-24.99 – 1
- Processing a Conditional Response/Response button used if the user wishes to override the Batch response setup.
• Example value: Skip