
Charts are real time graphical representations of data stored in Aegis CRM and can make analyzing large quantities of data easier. Charts are built using queries and automatically update to the most current data in the query.

Chart Types

Aegis CRM includes several chart types and styles so try several different styles to find ones that display your data that best represents the point you are trying to illustrate. The following table identifies the different chart types available and includes a description as well as an example of each type.

Chart Type Description Example
Pie Chart A circle divided into sections that represent the proportions of the data. Pie Charts will work best if most of your segments represent at least 20% of the total "pie", to avoid crowding of segments and labels.
Line Chart A graph that displays your information as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. This chart is very useful for visualizing trends in your data, such as steadily rising income from a particular appeal.
Bar/Column Chart These charts contain rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values they represent. In Aegis CRM, a Bar Chart has horizontal bars, and a Column Chart uses vertical bars.

Bar Chart

Column Chart

Stacked Bar/Column Chart This type of chart combines two values in the same column or bar. The example displays income by cash ($682) and checks ($2,726.50).
Spline Chart A line chart that plots a fitted curve through each data point in a series.
Spline Area Chart Similar to the Spline Chart, except the area covered by the data is indicated in a different color.
Stacked Area Chart This chart indicates different areas within stacked data
Bubble Chart Uses circles, or "bubbles" to illustrate values. In the sample below, the graph point is the total amount of money given, and the bubble size the number of gifts.
Pyramid Chart This chart has the form of a triangle with lines dividing the sections. The following graph represents one month of giving with each section representing the dollar amount given in a week.