Create a Contact Query

A contact query groups partner records that have something in common based on the criteria you identify when you build the query. For this query, you want to identify all new donors who gave more than $100 in 2016.

General Information

To create a contact query click Queries on the Navigation menu, click New Query, and then follow these steps:

  1. Enter a name for the query.
  2. Tip: If there are several users who create queries, it is helpful to prefix your queries with your initials to make them easier to find later.

  3. Select Contacts for the Query Type field.
  4. Select who has access, besides you, to the query.
    1. Choose Private to restrict access for other users.
    2. Choose Everyone to allow all users access to the query.
    3. Choose Admin to give only users with administrative rights to the database access to the query.
  5. Mark the Mark as a Favorite Query checkbox so you can add it to your Home page.
  6. Enter a description that identifies the purpose of the query.
  7. Click Save.


On the Criteria tab you add the filters to your query. To add the filters, select the Criteria tab and then follow these steps:

  1. Click Gifts in the Available Fields pane to expand the folder and display the fields available to use as your query filters.
    1. For this query we want all records for new donors who gave a gift of a of $100 or more in 2016.
  2. Click and drag the First Gift Year field and drop it in the Criteria panel.

  1. Select Is Equal To for the First Gift Year value operator.
  2. Select 2016 as the value.
  3. Click Save.
    1. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to:
      1. Select And as the operator.
      2. Select Is Greater than or Equal to as the value operator.
      3. Enter $100 as the value.

The query filters are identified in this graphic.

If you need to edit the criteria for your filter, right click the filter and select Edit Criteria. Click Remove Criteria to delete the filter.


On the Output tab of the query, you select the fields to display in your results. Common fields include first name and last name or full name, address details, contact information, amount given, and when it was given.

For this query we want to the new donor's full name, address, contact information, the amount they gave, and the date it was donated to your organization.

To add output fields select the Output tab, expand the Partner folder in the Available Fields pane, and then follow these steps:

  1. Select and drag the First Name field from the Available Fields pane and drop in the Outputs pane.
    1. Repeat this step to add these fields:
      1. Partner > Last Name
      2. Partners > Active Address
      3. Partners > Active City, State, and Zip
      4. Partners > Email
      5. Partners > Phone 1
      6. Gifts > Last Gift Date
      7. Gifts > Sum of Gift Value

  1. Select a field to sort the results included in the query.
    1. Last name in ascending order is a common way to sort the results.
  2. Click Save and then click OK in the message that says your query has been saved.
  3. Click Sample Results.

Sample Results

You can use the sample results to verify the information you want is included in the query results.

  1. View the Query Name, Query Owner, Result Count, and Query Criteria for the query.
  2. The Output fields you identify display as column headers in the results.
  3. Each partner who meets the criteria you used displays on a row in the results.

If the results do not include the details you expect, modify the criteria or output fields until you get the information you need.