Locate Records

Records in Aegis CRM store information about donors and how they interact with your organization. Being able to locate and open records is critical for managing the data available in Aegis CRM. In addition to tracking donors you can also maintain information about vendors and volunteers as well as the funds, appeals, and events you use to further your mission.

Record Types

There are multiple record types that display specific information and the following table identifies some of the record types available in Aegis CRM.

Record Type Description


Track the personal and demographic information about donors.


Manage the donations and appeal responses made by donors.


Use to identify information in the database quickly and accurately.


Track designations when donations are made for specific purposes.


Monitor all forms of communication with donors.


Manage all aspects of events hosted by your organization.


Track information about the vendors that provide goods and services.


Maintain the goods and materials used to further your mission.

Major Donors

Use for establishing and cultivating relationships with major donors.


Identify individuals who give their time to your organization.

Batch Review and approve data that has been entered in to Aegis CRM using Rapid Entry.
Fulfillment View the pending and prepared acknowledgements or orders.

Begin Your Search

To control duplication of records in your database, you should always search for a current record before adding a new one in Aegis CRM. Depending on the record type you want to locate, finding records is done in one of two ways.

Navigation Sub-Menus

Some modules on the Navigation menu have a sub-menu with tasks you can complete such as locating records. The table below identifies the record types and the Navigation menu options to choose for your search.

Record Type Navigation Menu Button Sequence


Click Partners and then select Locate Partner.


Click Partners and then select Locate Transaction.


Click Queries and then select Locate Query.


Click Appeals and then select Locate Appeal.


Click Events and then select Locate Event.


Click Batching and then select Locate Batch.


Click Fulfillment and then select Prepared Acks or Prepared Orders.

Once you complete the steps above for the record type, a locate page displays fields where you can enter information about the record you want to find.

Navigation Menu

When searching for fund, vendor, inventory, or volunteer records click the corresponding button on the Navigation menu to display fields where you enter criteria to locate the record.

Wildcard Search

You can use the % character to locate records when you only know part of the name or ID used as your search criteria. The following table identifies different ways to use the % character and includes a description of the results you will receive from your search.

% Character Results


Displays records that begin with Search.


Displays records that end with Search.


Displays records that contain Search in the name.


Displays records that begin with Sea and ends in rch.

The wildcard search is useful if you are unsure of how to spell a donor’s name. Use Sm% in the Last Name field to include “Smith” and “Smyth” records in your results.